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aquamog ccx / 2 posts found

Aquamog CCX in Action Ripping Up Cattails

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The Aquamog CCX-238 in action cutting a new channel through dense cattail growth. The cutter blades on the aquamog ccx can remove the cattail roots from the hydro-soil to prevent quick regrowth in areas. The Aquamog CCX is the most efficient cattail removal vessel.


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The Aquamog is a multipurpose aquatic maintenance vessel. The machines can go into any water body and perform aquatic weed removal or dredging activities.             The Aquamog CCX-238 is designed to remove emergent aquatic vegetation. The blades on the front of the machine are adjustable for root removal from the hydro-soil. This machine is perfect for cutting channels for flood control projects, mosquito fish access, and many other purposes. Let us know if you have a project where you need open water. This Aquamog can create open water in any aquatic environment.